Un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos en el condado de Fairfield
Nuestro equipo legal puede encargarse de su reclamación por accidente de tráfico en Connecticut. Las carreteras y autopistas del condado de Fairfield pueden ser extremadamente peligrosas. Los accidentes de tráfico ocurren rápidamente. Las vidas cambian en un instante. Por eso, las víctimas necesitan un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de tráfico en el condado de Fairfield.
Es posible que esté viajando de Bridgeport a Stamford por la Merritt Parkway cuando un conductor que estaba enviando mensajes de texto lo choque por detrás . Un ser querido puede sufrir lesiones graves en un accidente automovilístico o daño cerebral después de ser atropellado por un conductor ebrio en la Ruta 7 en Norwalk.
Aunque la mayoría de los conductores nunca esperan sufrir un accidente de tráfico, la mayoría de las personas sí sufren uno en algún momento de su vida. Y algunos de estos accidentes provocan lesiones graves o incluso la muerte. Si se ha golpeado la cabeza durante un accidente de tráfico, es posible que haya sufrido una conmoción cerebral, que es un tipo de lesión cerebral. Es posible que necesite una evaluación y un tratamiento especializados. Aunque no recuerde haber estado inconsciente, es importante que le informe a su médico sobre cualquier dificultad con la memoria, la concentración, la visión borrosa o el dolor de cabeza.
Cómo tomar las decisiones correctas después de un accidente A menudo puede ser fundamental para su bienestar físico, emocional y financiero en los años venideros.
Ponga el poder de un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos del condado de Fairfield a trabajar para usted
En Vishno Law Firm , entendemos lo difícil que es saber qué hacer después de un accidente automovilístico . Por eso estamos aquí. Si el otro conductor causó su accidente, deberá tomar medidas para proteger sus derechos. Esto se debe a que la compañía de seguros del conductor culpable no le ofrecerá simplemente el dinero que necesita por sus pérdidas. A menudo, deberá luchar contra ellos para obtenerlo.
Saber qué hacer después de un accidente de tráfico grave en Connecticut puede resultar confuso . Es posible que ni siquiera sepa qué opciones legales tiene a su disposición. Por eso es fundamental que se reúna con nosotros de inmediato.
Comuníquese hoy con el abogado Jeremy Vishno para hablar sobre sus opciones legales con un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos en el condado de Fairfield que sabe cómo responsabilizar a los conductores negligentes y a sus compañías de seguros. Nuestra firma puede ayudarlo, ya sea que necesite presentar una demanda por muerte por negligencia o una reclamación por lesiones personales.
¿Qué causa los accidentes de tráfico en Connecticut ? La mayoría de los conductores del condado de Fairfield conocen la ley y las normas de circulación, pero eso no impide que algunos conductores pongan en peligro inmediato a otros conductores, a sus pasajeros y a los peatones. Pueden adoptar una variedad de conductas descuidadas o imprudentes.
¿Necesito un abogado para mi accidente automovilístico en el condado de Fairfield?
These are common causes of car accidents in Fairfield County. Each of these factors significantly raises the risk of an accident. Unfortunately, there are many causes of accidents. There are many different types of car accidents in Connecticut. Some of the most common car accidents on Boston Avenue in Bridgeport, I-84 in Danbury, I-95 in Norwalk and other roads across Fairfield County include hit and run accidents, speeding accidents, SUV rollover accidents, T-bone or broadside collisions and more.
No two accidents are the same. Each accident has its own specific characteristics and causes. Attorney Vishno understands each accident requires a different approach. That's why with the help of his support team he pours over medical and police records, carefully examines evidence, and interviews witnesses to build the most solid, successful legal strategy on the client's behalf.
Having a car accident lawyer on your side can help you recover financial compensation from the insurance company after your car accident. Without one, insurance companies are more likely to give you a hard time and try to keep your payout to a minimum.
Without an attorney you could get a smaller settlement – or your claim may even get denied. Most insurance companies would prefer if you didn’t have a lawyer, that way they can pull out their bag of tricks.
For example, the insurance company representative you speak with may seem helpful, but they are trained to get you to say things that can later be taken out of context, all in an effort to deny your claim. A car accident attorney can level the playing field and fight for compensation you’re entitled to, whether it’s in the form of a negotiated settlement or a jury verdict following a lawsuit.
Should I file a car accident lawsuit?
In many cases, filing a lawsuit may be the best way to get the money you deserve for your accident. If you do decide to take legal action, there are several issues you need to consider when filing a car accident lawsuit in Fairfield County or elsewhere in Connecticut.
First, you need to make sure you don’t miss the deadline to file a lawsuit. This deadline (known as the statute of limitations) is generally two years from the date of your collision, according to Connecticut General Statutes § 52-284. If you miss that two-year deadline, you miss out on your only opportunity to take legal action.
Second, you need to file your car accident lawsuit in the court that has jurisdiction over your accident, which is usually based on where your car crash took place. In Fairfield County, for example, the Fairfield County Courthouse is located in Bridgeport, CT.
Third, you need evidence in support of your legal claim. Such evidence might include eyewitness testimony or accident debris. Over time, such evidence can get lost or destroyed. That’s why it’s critical that you talk to a car accident attorney as soon as possible.
What's my Connecticut car accident case worth?
A car accident attorney doesn’t have a specific amount of compensation that they try to recover for each client. That’s because every case is different. Many factors come into play that can impact your total compensation, including what medical treatment you need for your injuries, how much money you make and are missing while out of work, the value of your car and any other property that was damaged in the crash, and your pain and suffering (in certain cases). Sometimes punitive damages may also be awarded, but it really all depends on the specific details of your case.
What can a Fairfield County car accident lawyer do for me?
At the bare minimum, a car accident lawyer can assist you after a crash by helping you fill out necessary paperwork accurately and on time. An attorney can also deal with the insurance company and help you recover maximum compensation for:
Medical bills
Lost wages from missed work
Car repairs, transportation and, if necessary, a replacement vehicle, if yours is totaled
Home modifications, if you have a permanent disability as the result of your car accident
Pain and suffering
Let us protect your rights. Contact Vishno Law Firm today
The days, weeks and months after a car accident are an unquestionably difficult time for injury victims. You may face a long, painful recovery process. Medical bills and lost wages from missing work add up fast.
Your recovery can be difficult, but getting justice shouldn't have to be. Let Vishno Law Firm be your voice. Let us handle the insurance company red tape. Attorney Jeremy Vishno has a proven track record of getting results. He helps clients who need compensation for their medical expenses, pain and suffering and other losses related to the car accident.
Fairfield County residents know they can trust Attorney Jeremy Vishno to protect their rights every step of the way after their car accident. Attorney Vishno has been helping injury victims get the compensation they rightfully deserve since 1990.
Take a stand. Contact Vishno Law Firm today. If represented by our firm, rest assured your case will be handled personally by Fairfield County car accident lawyer Jeremy Vishno and his staff of experienced paralegals. Call 203-256-2373 to schedule a free case consultation at our Fairfield or New Haven office locations.